Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nahational Sahitya Academy Award To the Most Vulgar Novels depicting Drupadi, Pandavs and Bhagwan Sri Krishna as sex Maniacs

A novel, depicting Bhagwan Sri Krishna as a sex maniac and immoral, is being awarded by National Sahitya Academy - It happens only in India since we are secular and have freedom of expression.

One of the most astonishing incidents of 2009 is National Sahitya Academy awarding its prestegious award to the most vulgar novels of telugu by one of the socalled proffessor of Hindu/Telugu Mr Yarlagadda Laxmi Prasad who is known to his vulgar novels in Telugu. It is direct attact on the faith of Hindus by depicting Bhagwan Sri Krishna as nothing but a common Sex Maniac and having extra marital affair with Draupati cheating his own men.

It is known fact that all the communism following so called intellectuals always wanted defame Indian culture in the garb of secularism. India is known to its very rich culture, its vast rich heritage and history. These intellectuals always wanted to tarnish the image of India as one of the most deprived countries in the world rather than telling truth to the world about its heritage and rich history. They also never believed its Saraswati river civilisation and misled the country of Arya/ Dravid conflict rather. With scientific proof existence of Saraswati River now Indian history is about to be rewritten.

Coming to the latest attack on Indian heritage and history is the novel written by Yarlagadda named after Draupadi depicting her as a sex maniac and also showing both pandavas and Bhagwan Sri Krishna in poor light rather sex maniacs altogether.

The member of jury who nominated it to National Sahitya Academy award are also incidentelly beneficiaries and board members of the Trust promoted by Yarlagadda. Being the close associates and beneficieries of the writer promoted Trust and being the Jury for this national award goes against ethics and tenets of this national award.

It also raises doubts even in the minds common man who reads in to the texts of this novel, whether this jury has ever read this novel at all before awarding it with it such exemplory previlage, Since it is nothing but a common vulgar novel which generally does not attract any attention of any literary personality.

We are hereby giving you some exerpts of that novel for your reference to be judges of your own.

Write your protests to Sahitya Academy, Rabindra Nagar, 35 Feroz shah Road New Delhi 110 001. Emai At

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  2. Write your protests to Sahitya ackademi rabindra nagar,35,ferozeshaah Road,Newdelhi 110001,

  3. Award to such novels would have perennial effects for a lont time to come as these books will be translated into other languates and also can be declared as non-detail book for the telugu students and can also have certain chapters can be taken into the telugu books as a portion for telugu students.

    Objectives to be achieved Take away the award / Stop the award to this book with immediate book.

    1) Vulgar depiction of our gods and the puranic scriptures.
    and also
    2) The jury which recommended it is a biased one since some of the memebers are members of the Trusts run by the author.

    Write your protests to Sahitya ackademi rabindra nagar,35,ferozeshaah Road,Newdelhi 110001,

    Pl contribute this act by encouraging your friends and family to do the same so that we can stop this outragious depiction of our gods by such perverted writers.
